I have been asked by an elderly friend to lightly prune his Magnolia tree, which is immediately in front of his bungalow. Not wishing to cause this tree any shock whatsoever, what would anyone advise. It has just grown a little too big and he only wants a very modest amount taken off. Your help would be very much appreciated Bill
Pruning a magnolia now would likely remove buds for next years bloom, I would suggest prune what is really necessary for size issues now but wait till after bloom is over next Spring if you can help it. Otherwise just follow good pruning practices and take your time, I find Magnolia responds well to pruning. here is a couple of links for pruning advice: http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/howtos/ht_prune/prun001.htm and for general information :http://www.treesaregood.com/