Purple:Russula :unk variety of Russula (It is almost impossible to correctly ID this family of mushrooms unless you have just the right microscope and id'ers to go by...) Blue:Turkey Tail :Trametes versicolor (found in almost every color of the rainbow!) Green:UNK Polypore (possibly with a type of lichen or moss growing on it) Yellow:Yellow Patches Amanita :Amanita flavoconia Orange:Eyelash Cup :Scutellinia scutellata (each of these are smaller around then a pencil eraser) Red:Ganoderma Lucidum/Rieshi (Oldest known used medicenal mushroom in the world for almost 4000 known years according to Chinese culture) Brown:(undercap)Honey Mushroom :Armillariella mellea (tasty for some people) Black (with brown):Black Footed Polypore :Polyporus badius (a type that overwinters to refresh in the spring) 'Gray' :unk Inky Cap :unk Coprinis (deteriorates completely in hours) White: UNK winter-time mushroom
Thanx very much togata! It's quiet here right now in the fungi community so just thought to share some more of these amazing creatures.