Anyone growing luma apiculata in their gardens in the Vancouver area? I’m wondering about people’s experiences.
There are two small variegated Luma apiculata shrubs at a co-op building in the West End. I don't know how old they are - I just became aware of them in 2015. They get some flowers but not a lot of flowers, if I remember correctly. I think I have seen a fruit or two. They were moved from next to the entrance path to another spot in front of the building, pretty much the same growing conditions, so I think it was just an aesthetic decision. I could post some photos, but not until the end of January when I get back to my desktop computer. I saw two green-leaved ones on Bainbridge Island that year, which was the first I'd heard of this species, and I was beyond excited that then I recognized the variegated ones in the West End. I think the Bainbridge ones were about my height and very nice-looking. I don't seem to have posted a habit photo, but I posted a photo of the flowers at LumaApiculata_DeborahCheadle-Garden_BainbridgeIsland_Cutler_20150628_140352.
Tall shrub to small tree sized specimens of the typical species continue (see account below, dating from 2006) to persist in Seattle, with one friend's example generating seedlings (but I think these disappear during the annual summer drought - he doesn't water much, if at all). With both it and a variegated cultivar - presumably 'Glanleam Gold' - having been offered by local independent garden centers. However small plants of the latter growing in combo pots at the Edmonds waterfront froze out after a time. Plant of the Month
I’ll have to check out for those ones in the West End!! I first saw one close to Bainbridge myself last spring!