I am awaiting the arrival of many different types of seeds. I was going to try a few from each packet but would like to keep the rest around. Is there any way to store unused seeds for later. How long can I expect them to keep and still be somewhat reliable? Months? Or years? Most are different types of bonsi trees so I can only keep a few successful ones in the end. So I dont want to waste alot of started seeds. And I thought it would be an especially good idea for ME to keep some around for backup.
I can think of no reason why you cant store the remaining seeds, but differant seeds keep for differant amounts of time before loosing their viability. One of the ways ways i've heard of is to put the seeds in a sealed jar (I tend to use a kilner jar) with a packet of silica beads to keep the humidity down you can probably get away without it though, and then put them in the fridge or freezer below 5 degrees centegrade. you can probably find better instructions at the milenium seed banks site. http://www.kew.org/msbp/what/processing/index.htm
Ditto to Greerish on keeping them dry and cold; below 5° is good; below 2° better. A lot of seeds (though not all species) can be stored for many years if deep frozen at -20°C.
I store mine in the crisper at the bottom of my fridge and they keep for years! I test germination and do experiments even. I wouldn't recommend the freezer because I've had it destroy some of my varieties - not worth the risk. : O The bottom of your fridge will work great -I've been doing it for years with much success. : )
I have a box of wild flower seeds i have been using for 2 yrs now. I keep them in my dry/ cool basement in a dark corner on a shelf and they work fine every year.
Yes, if they are stored properly, they can keep for much longer than most people will tell you. I have 5 year old pepper seeds that still germinate. Most of my seeds are fresh, but I just wanted to experiment and see just how long they will in fact last for. : )
Next year will be year 6 and counting, for the pepper seeds. I know for a fact that seeds last 3-4 times as long in the fridge, or cool area. : )