I was in Aldergrove the other day touring a private garden/nursery and discovered several larger shrubs (about 1.5M x 1.5M in size) that were loaded down with ripe fruit. I unfortunately did not get any photos but I was able to get some photos of the fruit from someone else who was there. We were told the fruit belonged to Cornus Mas but I know that was not true as I have several. The fruits are oblong and about 2-3cm long and have a tart taste, unlike cornus mas (which is sweet, blood red and tear-drop in shape). The leaves were also unlike cornus mas (which has definite dogwood-like leaves) as they were smooth (no serrated edges) and darker green in color. Also, the seeds of cornus mas are smooth, not ribbed as seen in the photo below. It has also been suggested they might be Elaeagnus × submacrophylla aka Ebbinge's silverberry but the photos I've seen do not match the plants we saw. These are the fruits and seeds of the unknow shrub... I know its not much to go on but any thoughts?
Definitely an Elaeagnus. Can you get some photos of the foliage? Is it evergreen (leaves tough, leathery) or deciduous (leaves softer)?
Thank you both for your help. I could not get any photos of the leaves (the owner of the plants is elderly and "not into technology") but I now do believe they are goumi.