looking for whips

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Binaatthelake, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Binaatthelake

    Binaatthelake New Member

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    Sylvan Lake Alberta Canada
    I just read that...but it is true I am looking for whips.
    I need to find a supplier of grafting whips for both heirloom apples and pears. I live in a zone 2b/3a with elevation of 3,500 ft although the apples will be more sheltered. I need to find some tough stock.
    I am an urban gardener with vegetable gardens in the front yard, neighbors with chickens, and more gardens being planted along the street. Children are saving their own seeds, and watching the growth of plants.
    I would like to increase the pollination of my trees with grafting. My pear needs a second tree and there are none in the neighborhood and I am running out of room on my suburban lot so I am hoping grafts will be my answer now all I have to do is find them.

    anyone have any ideas....

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