Hello. I am looking for a place to buy some of the more unusual varieties of hostas. I would love to find Sagae, or Hosta Guacamole. If anyone has one they'd be willing to share, or knows of a great hosta nursery in the lower mainland please let me know.
I have some Guacamole divisions I'll be selling starting this weekend, that's when we have our cul-de-sac yard sale and we usually sell a few plants out of our driveway there. Send me a private message through the board and I'll be happy to provide some details....
I hope that naming nurseries here is OK, I can't find any rules about it. You may want to check out Phoenix Perennials in Richmond, they have Guacamole listed on their plant database, call ahead since they don't always have everything in stock but can usually get it for you. They are also going to be selling dwarf hostas this spring, I'm anxiously awaiting their arrival! There are pictures of them in the December newsletter on the home page http://www.phoenixperennials.com/index.php
Slave (love your handle BTW, Quincy a dog or a cat), Phoenix has some nice Hostas, picked up a couple of minis from them last year and year before last. They have a decent assortment usually, but I was somewhat dismayed when I walked in there for the first time in '06, and spotted a couple of Hostas with HVX. I made them aware of what it is, steered them towards a couple of websites and hopefully at least one or more person there should now know how to recognize it.
Was that before Gary bought it or after? Quincy is actually my parrot. A much more time demanding "master" than a dog or cat!
Plants and parrots, a familiar combination. We have 8 Senegal parrots, a couple of Cockatoos and around 20 or so cockatiels, but that's all a different story and another forum. Must admit I don't remember exactly when this was that I pointed out the HVX, but I was there for the first time in June or July of '06. Don't know if this was before or after Gary's purchase, you tell me.
Wow, that's a pretty full house! I love 'toos but just don't feel I have the time for one, my little Q keeps me pretty busy. I think Gary bought in 2006, but I'm not 100% positive. I love that place, he gets far too much of my $$$, but I always end up going back
For future reference, it's certainly fine when helping people locate a plant they are trying to find.
I have Hosta 'Sagae' and could provide you a division in the early fall if you still want it. I currently have available divisions of Hostas 'Pearl Lake', 'Sea Octopus', H. sieboldii (not sielboldiana!!) and 'Blue Moon', as well as Pulmonarias s. 'Alba' and 'Bertram Anderson'. I am interested in getting Hosta 'Krossa Regal' (or its parent H. nigrescens), Hosta 'Praying Hands' and Hosta 'Chinese Sunrise' or other small green & gold hosta.
Rainforest Nurseries out in Langley at 16th Ave and 227th st (1470 227 St, Langley) usually has a fabulous selection of hostas. It is a great time to visit as the hostas will all be in full leaf. The little nursery by the docks in Steveston often has a good selection of hostas as well. There are also some great Canadian mail order houses...especially in Ontario.