Hi every one This plant is from the lady next door to my family and we don't know it's name or where she got it from Any help would be great Thanks for your time
It certainly looks like it could be a Justicia or other member of Acanthaceae. I suspect that a week or two will be enough time for the flowers to emerge from between those green bracts. Another picture then would be very useful for its identification.
I believe, and all you botanists correct me if I am wrong, that this is the edible tempura favoured leaf plant that I see in only authentic Japanese run restaurants. The botanical name escapes me? Arigato!
Do you mean "shiso"—Perilla frutescens? You may be right; however, we'll know for sure when the flowers emerge.
Online photos of some Justicia/Jacobinia specimens show similar foliage and inflorescence features. Shiso has different venation etc.