My daughter lives in Hong Kong and bought this plant there. The seller could not tell her the name of it or how to care for it. Can someone identify it for me>
it's a zz plant. it's a succulent, so it should be kept in a well-draining soil - like cactus soil and you should let the soil dry out before watering thoroughly. does well in sun or in shade. to propogate, take a leaf and let the cut end dry for a couple of days and then plant the leaf in the soil - in the same pot as the main plant or a new one - and it'll root and develop into a new plant. zz's aren't the fastest growers...they ARE very hardy though, and can take quite a bit of neglect (as in forgetting to water it). they like warmer temps - shouldn't ever be below 50 degrees.
Actually, it's an Aroid. If you search the forums for Zamioculus zamiifolia (or just click this link), you should turn up scads of good info on care and propagation.