Hi I have client that is looking for a plant the She calls monkey grass. I have shown her pics of liriope but this is not it. Her discription is Long (2 to 4 foot) sword shaped leaves varigate with red to purple on the smooth edges. She says it has a clumping habit and has never seen one bloom. They were purchaced somewhere in the lowermainland about 6 years ago.(She can't rember where) Its not Hardy in our area so she only put them out in the summer in pots. She did have pics but lost everything in a house fire. I thought it sounded like a Dracaene of sorts but the Pics I show her says no. I know that this is not much of a discription And that only haveing the "common name" (who's I don"t know) only adds to the confusion. Any Ideas Gang? Thanks and regards Doug
Hi Doug: The name Monkey Grass can either be a Liriope to some people or a Mondo Grass - Ophiopogon to others. By the description I get the feeling your client is wanting a sedge instead. Here are a few URL's. The first two show a Uncinia as well as a Carex. Click on the thumbnails to see the larger sized image. http://plantsdatabase.com/go/2228.html http://plantsdatabase.com/go/1879 http://www.anniesannuals.com/signs/t - u/uncinia_unciniata_RS_K.htm Good luck, Jim