Looking for chaparros

Discussion in 'Photography and Art' started by mayamarie, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. I'm hoping this is not a lost cause, but I am looking for detailed photos of a plant that I only knew as "chaparro" which was found in yards and patios in Honduras. It was a tall thin treelike plant that had gorgeous purple flowers which hung down bunched in a thick tail like fashion that would fade to a light green as they grew old. They usually grew among other sturdier trees, making them almost vinelike. I took some photos of it but my camera was of very poor quality and I could not get close enough. If anyone knows anything about what this plant might be, a different name to try to research it on the internet I would be eternally grateful. I am planning on incorporating it into a tattoo but the artist needs more detail.

    Thank you!

    Maya Pilgrim

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