I have been looking via the internet all over north america and I have been having a very tough time finding any of these plants - especially in the pacific northwest. Does anyone know of a supplier for these?
I don't know of a local supplier, but the spelling is Camellia sinensis. That might help. I think the nurseries may bring in a few of these in the spring. I would call around. They might be able to order some specially for you.
I've phoned most of the nurseries and so far no one has them, or even knows of a supplier. Yes, it is Camellis sinensis - my fingers were going to fast.
One of the wholesale suppliers of named forms of tea plant seen in western North American garden centers is located right in Pitt Meadows. It might simply be too early in the year for any stock of these to be on hand at outlets near you.
It's not a garden center, it's a wholesale supplier. http://www.pirocheplants.com/ Just about all the independent garden centers down here get in tea plants in season, I think you won't have any trouble finding them later in the year. I was at a big one near me the other day and it seemed the majority of potted trees and shrubs (other than newly potted things that came in during the winter bare-rooted, like roses and fruit trees) were holdovers from last year, comparatively little of the new stock having come in yet.
I contacted Piroche Plants and they had a problem with theirs and don't expect to have any replacements available for about two years.
In case you are still interested, Sochi variety of Camellia sinensis is available at Sun Tai Sang Farm in Burnaby.
Thanks, I'll have a look there. I did find a bunch at Brian Minter's garden store in Chilliwack. I brought them home and planted them in several areas, and they all died during the past winter - I don't know if it was just the temperature or if I did something wrong with planting them. However, I will try again. Thanks for the information.