I am in Toronto and very much interested in asian pears. I already have an unknown variety. I would like to graft more varieties. Can anyone help me get scions (cuttings) of asian pears for grafting? thanks George
You could try Siloam orchards they may have some bud wood available there http://www.siloamorchards.com/ Cheers
Try the folks at Harrow or the U of Guelph they might have some available. The only other certified source i know of is PICO at the research station in Summerland BC. They ahve a good collection of Asian pears http://www.picocorp.com/ Check out the budwood it will show you the varieties they have there. Cheers
Thank you very much. This is what I was looking for. I checked with Harrow. They don't have asian varieties. I never checked with U of Guelph. Thanks again.