hi i am desperately looking for this acer i have read all the post concerning it and i saw that some of you were lucku enough to find it please help me! i have reached esveld whitout succes. It is no longer available where can i find it and order it online for a deliver in France? thanks to all samuel
Anyone know of a nursery in oregon/cali/wash area that carries this one? Google turned up a few wholesale nurseries but i can't muster the 500 dollar minimum order.
Hi Samuel, I got mine from Esveld... The first one I waited for 4 years (on the waiting list.) It is living in the ground, but has never really grown. I managed to obtain another new graft, which broke in transport but I hope I have saved (it's still alive for now), to grow on in a pot until it gets a little more size. I thought Fessia Fabrizio might have one, (not listed in the catalog) or that Italy generally might yield a source. The plants in this thread http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=45412&highlight=usugumo must be going somewhere! Maybe Alex will know. Difficult to find, though. I do think your best bet is to keep bugging Esveld. One thing: The packing has been not so great recently. So you might want to mention how your "local service" really crushes everything, in an attempt to get them to take a little more care with the packing. ;)
Fabrizio Fessia is my old friend !:)after 4 years like emery i received my two Usugumo from Esveld ,by Fessia i have one big Hoshi yadori .if Samuel want i ask to Fabbrizio
This is a cultivar I'm highly interested in too, though it sucks that it can be temperamental and a slow grower. The only place (retail) I've seen it stateside is Mendocino Maples - last I checked, they were hoping to have new grafts ready sometime this summer. I'm thinking of trying to order one when they are ready, but I'm really hesitant to do so - I purchased 3 trees from Mendocino earlier this spring and while they looked nice when I received them, all three died within 2 months. They replaced one of them for free (though I still had to pay the shipping, which, compared to other nurseries I've ordered from is VERY expensive for the size of tree you get, I've paid less for shipping on trees 3x times that size), and it died too within 2 months. Yes, I'm still learning about maples, and I want to say it was a fluke, but I've never lost all trees from a single vendor/order before. Ever.
Hi Andrea, Usugumo is extremely tricky in the early stages. And since it's so sought after, a new graft is all that ever comes on the market (unless you can get one of those Villa Taranto air layered plants!) But generally, new grafts are quite difficult, there is a pretty high failure rate until things get established. I don't know if that's what you had from Mendocino Maples, but I do know he's got a good reputation. Sounds like you were just plain unlucky.
my esperience is positive i growing this maple in ground,after 3 years in pot (mine arrived one year graft) leaves burned with hot wind and some leaves are different to specie pictum ,more similar to pictum dissectum ...my suspect is that this lovely maple prefere acid soil,like the soil in Villa Taranto.or are problems of the baby Usugumo because Hoshi yadori is very happy in my conditions and another pictum too:)
I got one in 1995 from Frank Byles in U.S. He said it was really hard to graft, I think that's why it's so hard to find. Mine sat the first year, it was too wet. Since then I have kept it in clay pots, well drained and it has grown dramatically. In my climate, it likes to be on the dry side. I am worried about how I am going to keep it in a pot, it's about 5' tall. Don't give up the search for it. It's worth the wait. Good luck. Kay
Oh please post some pictures, I would love to see your Usugumo!! Also, do you know if Frank is still grafting/selling these? I would love to get my hands on one.
I don't really know what his status is. I know he is still involved in the maple society, but that'a about it. I'll take some pictures and post them. Kay
Here is a picture of my 7 year old Usugumo. I took a close up of the leaves. The pattern is not as distinct this year.
Conifer Kingdom is listing this on their current availability, so I ordered one. http://www.coniferkingdom.com/product_p/acer_pictum_mono_usugumo.htm
decent size plant, and i know it's hard to come by, but they certainly want a pretty penny for it! post pics and feedback when you get yours - i'm very interested in acquiring one, but for $90, I want my money's worth!!
Just an FYI on this maple and the cost. Acer pictum has a low success rate for grafts so a low percentage of the plants survive to make it to market. I have heard number in the 10 to 20 prcent success rate for this cultivar. I lost my plant and waited two years to get a new replacement.
Obviously, you have a very valid point regarding price vs. demand; I knew the grafting success rate was low, but didn't realize it was THAT low. I contacted Conifer Kingdom and asked if they had any pictures showing the size of the trees they are selling (none were on their site); he promptly emailed me some and they are a decent size. $90 is still a lot for me to spend on a tree, but after thinking about it a bit, I ended up placing an order myself - as you say, these do not come on the market often. I am hopeful that I can take care of it properly so it will live a long life in my yard (likely in a pot). :) So, for those that do have one, any tips on growing one would be greatly appreciated!!!
I got years ago through Mendocino Maples when they first started selling them. It looked haggard when I got it, but come next spring it leafed out in beautiful fashion. I eventually donated that one to the local botanical gardens, but got another one a couple years ago through Arbutus Garden Arts. It seems to do fine with adequate water and not too much sun - doesn't seem overly picky so far. It looks like they've got some 3-gallons for $69. Norm is very pleasant to deal with. http://www.arbutusgarden.com/ http://www.arbutusgarden.com/pdf/plant_availability.pdf
Here is a photo of my Usugumo from Conifer Kingdom. The plant is 24 inches tall. It is grafted on A. truncatum. This was my first order from CK. I got a nearly immediate reply to my email and the plant was shipped quickly and well packed.
That's a very nice looking Usugumo, a large graft. Hard to see but it looks like the union is well healed, so perhaps a 2 year graft? Nice purchase IMHO if it's worth that much to you. :)
I finally got one of these about a week ago. the leaves are smaller than i was expecting. Mine is about 10-12 inches tall but with nice full branching. i posted some pictures in the photo thread.