Four years ago, I purchased a tomato variety in Calgary. It was labelled in the deli as a Hotchkiss tomato. It had a green cap and was approx. 2 inches in diameter. Flavour was an intense balance of sugar and acid. For the past 3 years I have tried Purple Prince, but they were not as tasty. I have scanned various online seed catalogs to source a comparable variety, but I feel like I am guessing. Also, I am in Winnipeg and want a variety that will mature early. One candidate is Black Prince. It is described as black and not a green cap. Any suggestions based on actual experience? Thanks. my first post. Ricardo007.
Sounds like Black Krim to me, which is an heirloom tomato. Google that and see if it's your tomato :)
When I search for "Hotchkiss tomato" I get a lot of sites from the Calgary area (unfortunately mostly just recipes from restaurants using the tomato). Maybe this is a local introduction not readily available anywhere else. You might want to do the search and contact some of the restaurants to see if they will tell you their source. You all may have something special there in the Calgary area.
I believe you want to contact Paul and Tracy Hotchkiss. This is the business name in Calgary: Hotchkiss Herbs and Produce Ltd. Possibly they can tell you which heirloom Tomato or Tomatoes they are growing. Below are two articles with a little background information. Welcome to : Tomato talk Slow Food Calgary > Directory Jim