Hello, I stumbled across this forum today as I was looking for information on a couple of japanese maples. I'm so happy to have found it! I've seen Bloodgood and liked it, but suspect it might overwhelm my small yard, and I saw a Fireglow yesterday and thought it would work well. I live in Bellingham, WA, just south of Vancouver, so I think the growing conditions would be good. I am thnking about planting on the south side of my house, fairly close to the neighbor's, but not close enough to shade it all day. Can anyone suggest a good variety? Thanks, Leigh
Would you fancy Okagami? This is my own tree after 7 years. They do, however, need some room to look of their best, as most Japanese Maples do
I think there are likely many choices. Umegae has gorgeous fall color and is suitable for smaller gardens.
I think Osakazuki has red tones after the orange flush in Fall. Seiryu may be a nice one for you as well. fine leaved, nice color.