red mushrooms under my bushes that look as if they are covered in velvet. (the stem isn't red though (so Im not sure if it is a rogers mushroom) That I would like to identify. I have browsed around for a forum, and I have not been having luck. I also found one that look like it was a amanita it had a ring on the stem, was white, and had pink gills. (or Onrange gills, but it was a couple of weeks ago, and I can not remember, but I would of taken a picture of it if I were to post on a forum.) I have tried doing spore prints, before so I would also put those on the forum So if you know of a identification forum please let me know. All I know of for a identification forum is name that plant, (off garden web), but Im looking for something similar for mushrooms. (I think the gills are yellow but Im not going to pull them up until I can get a camera with a USB cable.
Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds Identification & Appreciation here on these forums. Mushroom Observer (see # 3, getting help with an unknown)
I noticed The pacific North west Forum, but Thought I'd ask, because Im In Illinois, and the climate is different. Accualy I haven't been on this forum for a while, I have been busy,and forgot what the name of the site was but I found it on a seach for mushroom fourms today. Lucky becaue I have been trying to search my emails for this site.