Long lasting soil PH lowering amendments

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by MThuck, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. MThuck

    MThuck Member

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    Central Montana
    I am looking for advice in creating a favorable soil mixture for a raided bed that will keep the ph around that 4.5 to 5.5 level for Blueberries without constant amending? My recipe consist of my handmade compost (ph around 6.7) mixed equal parts of Peat Moss with some naturally acidic coarse Granite sand. I can blend these in any amounts needed for ph adjustment and drainage. Adding Sulfur to get it down to this point is ok but I'm looking for a concotion that will have lasting power. If I keep my irrigation water on the 6.5 to 6 level will this also keep the soils ph lower longer? The naitive soil is around 7.5 and I understand that the soil will return to the naitve soil ph eventually unless you keep amending it. What are some of your recommendations?

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