When we built our house about 6 years ago the developer planted a Platanus x hispanica in everyone's front yard (I think he thought they were maples). Our subdivision being of the newer style has smaller front yards (about 20ft from porch to street) and many people took them down at the time and put in something different. Many of us left the trees and half of those seem to cut them right back each year trying to get a nice shape out of them. We have left ours alone and have had varying input from professionals on what to do with them. Most have said not to shape them by cutting them back and another has said it is the wrong tree for a small front yard. So now it is decision time as to what to do with the tree. I have seen mature versions of this tree and they are huge. I would feel bad to take it down but I do have to do what is right. Today it is about 25 feet tall with a diameter of 11 inches a round. Should we replace it with something more appropriate? If we keep it, how much should/can it be trimmed? Do I have to worry about the roots coming up through the ground and eventually ruining the sidewalk and foundation? Help
This is a tree you can pollard although preferably you would have started when they were small - and you have to be willing to do the pollarding each year and look at the result. So, if that doesn't appeal you are left with removal as you are right, this tree becomes enormous in time where conditions permit. It also produces irritating hairs.