I have a client who must have one. Have been looking with no success. Is there a nursery somewhere who can ship a 3-5 gallon or a larger one available for pick up ? A Canadian one can no longer ship here (endangered species?). Would prefer close to SC. We will be planting this on the coast, zone 5. Any help is appreciated. Please feel free to email me direct. thnks. great site !
If you mean Araucaria araucana, it won't survive in zone 5. It needs zone 8, but also with cool summers (west coast oceanic climates).
Yes, that is the tree. Our summers here are too hot ? Can we grow this inside perhaps in a large atrium ? Thanks
It likes summer temperatures between 15 to 25°C, winter temperatures between -5 to +10°C, and relatively high humidity all year. Can you manage that? Some of its relatives, notably Araucaria heterophylla, are much easier to grow indoors, as they are OK with human-comfortable room temperatures all year. They do need good light, though. And an atrium space up to 45m high!
If the site is in South Carolina it won't be USDA 5. It will be hot and humid in summer. http://www.usna.usda.gov/Hardzone/hzm-se1.html
What about A. angustifolia? Would it be better adapted to outdoor coastal South Carolina than the alpine A. araucaria? Simon