Can anybody tell me what to do with Excelsa during the winter ? I live in Norfolk,UK. Fairly dry winters and very little snow. We currently grow Lobelia Tupa successfully [7feet high] and cut this down to the ground in late autumn [nov] and then a good thick mulch,but I cant find any advice about excelsa. Any help would be welcome. Current temp is about 5c and our daffs are through already
Hi Supatupa, I get your hardiness zone as 8. this site lists Lobelia excelsa as hardy to zones 9 and 10. It should reseed for you though. Here's what the seedlings would look like. Newt
Thanks for your reponse,I will just mulch it the same as Tupa. 8c,wet and windy Happy New Year supatupa
Supa--a friend here has tupa and excelsa next to each other, and they have made it thru our recent winters okay...we're a bit colder than you most years it seems. They did say they might remove the excelsa as it is a more gangly plant, tho the flowers are pretty awesome. Like you, we can often grow these lobelias to good heights...I really like 'em. The mulching is probably always a good idea, tho I usually forget. A hard cold snap without snow would be tough on these plants...enjoy!
Hi,growest Thanks for your response,we have cut them back to the ground and given a good 6ins of mulch just in case.We have noticed that excelsa is a lot looser clump than tupa,although this its first winter. [What winter? today wet and 14c] Daffs now 3ins and glads starting to poke through supa