
Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by snapdragon, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. snapdragon

    snapdragon Member

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    Salmon Arm B.C. Canada
    I have an infestation of liverwort in my yard. Most of it is on the side of the gravel driveway, but it is also appearing in the vegetable and flower gardens. What can I do to eradicate or at least control it?
  2. growest

    growest Active Member 10 Years

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    Vinegar has been suggested, tho I've never tried it myself. I would probably add some detergent before spraying or wiping the liverwort with it.

    I would use a propane torch on large areas like driveway where there's no nearby desirable plants...get rid of it in areas even away from the garden since it may be spreading it's spores into your cultivated areas making total eradication unlikely.

    Are you sprinkling regularly? Liverwort usually requires quite constantly moist soil surface to get established, and to propagate...(tho it can hang in there once established thru lots of dryness). I would have a look at my irrigation schedule to make sure I'm not encouraging it more than necessary.
  3. Lysichiton

    Lysichiton Active Member

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    Fraser Valley, BC.
    Hey, we are in the Pacific Northwest. I love my liverworts, massage my mosses & fondle my ferns. Apart from the ferns which tend to take over, in the Fraser Valley, they are fairly innocuous in my yard. If I can get a pot plant with a good cover of moss or liverwort, a lot less airborne weed & soil-resident weeds seem to grow in it & it looks good (to me).

    I feel I must stick-up for the oft maligned venerable Liverwort. I think it must be the name. Perhaps we should call them something else..."Heavenly Carpet Plants", "Moist Marvels" Hmm.. those aren't very good. Oh well, they will remain underworts, I guess.


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