Hi there, I bought 5 Lithops about 2 weeks ago (2 x Lithop lesliei 'albinigold', Lithop hermetica and Lithop aucampiae). All are doing well except for the Lithop aucampiae, which has wrinkled two days ago. I put three drops of water at the base of this plant, but it is still wrinkled. All are in the same pot. They were in individual 2" pots when purchased, but I transplanted them carefully using the same soil that they were in prior. I even bought a grow light (http://www.ottlite.com/p-239-20-watt-plant-growth-bulb.aspx) because I read that they need 6 hours of full sun everyday (more than Vancouver winter can provide). Please see photo attached (foregound, right). Any help is much appreciated!
I stopped watering mine about two months ago, and I will not start again until the old leaves have disappeared almost completely, i.e. in late spring/early summer. I have never heard that they need extra light in winter, and mine are doing well without it. They need plenty of light in summer, but that is another story. I just looked at mine and they look like yours, a few have wrinkled somewhat, others have not (and I am definitely not worried). If the aucampiae start to wrinkle fast it is probably rotting, but then it is probably too late anyway, I don't think I ever have managed to save a rotting Lithops. BTW, the genus name is Lithops, with an -s at the end. It is not an English plural.
Thanks for the help - it is not wrinkling too quickly, so I will just leave it be. I also looked at some time-lapses to see what they are supposed to look like throughout the year (most photos show them with full leaves or in flower). Thanks also for the name clarification. The seller had tagged them as "Lithop". Anyway, happy holidays and thanks again!