Hi, I just purchased my first dwarf lisbon lemon tree two weeks ago and noticed that there are a few leaves that have white and brown spots on them already. I have it sitting on my back patio directly in the sun. I was told that this type of tree can handle direct and indirect sun. Does anyone know why this would happen so soon? I have the worst luck with nature. No green thumbs this way!! I want this tree to be happy. What could be the problem? Please guide. Thanks!
To answer your question, one would need to see a picture of the white and brown spots. Also it would be helpful, if you could provide more details about the problem.. - Millet (1,332-) http://citrus.forumup.org/
The most common cause on a new tree is sunburn. The growers usually have the trees in a shade house. When you buy the plant and bring it home & put it out in direct sun the leaves will burn. The next flush should be fine. Your best bet is the next time you get a new tree acclimate it to full sun over a week or two.