What causes my Lime tree to start developing fruit and then just fall off? They get no bigger than a raisin, smaller actually, then just fall off. Any suggestions would be great. It has really started to blossom since I brought it in for the winter, which seems odd. During the summer it had a lot of small limes that disappeared and I assumed a squirell or chipmunk had eaten them, but in the house I have found them laying on the floor. Thanks
Like gardenias, another tropical shrub that really wishes it was back in the jungle or a similar situation (such as a nice, bright, humid greenhouse) citrus are great for doing stuff like this. Try searching site for other threads on citrus headaches. At least you don't have all the leaves dropping off.
Check into this citrus forum. http://citrus.forumup.org/index.php?mforum=citrus There's a wealth of info and cirus experts there that can help you. Cheers, LPN.
Thank you. I will be posting some pictures of some other exotic plants I inherited when I bought our house.
Thanks for this advise. This explains the lemon tree. We pruned the olive trees around it as they were smothering it and it wasnt getting sun. The property was vacant for 4yrs so watering was spuratic. Now it is open has sun and has dropped 1/4 its leafs and bore no lemons this yr. We pruned it severly cutting away suckers last yr also.
I love the welth of people knowledge I am getting here at this site. I am so excited. I think the palmagranits were watered to much and thats why they split right? Why werent the seeds plump and juicy? It lost all its leafs this winter in Az is that normal?
Raynkel, sorry to hear this! Alkvinia, I think you are referring to the Pomegranate. This site has loads of good growing info and should answer your questions. Uneven watering can cause the fruit to split. http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/pomegranate.html You might also find this University of Arizona site helpful. http://cals.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/Punica_granatum.html Just to let you know that you will probably get the most answers if you start a new thread when your question is not related to the post. This thread is about a lime tree, but I hope the links I gave you will answer your questions. Newt