I have Lily of the Valley all around my house facing each direction.They have grown beautifully each year. This year a small portion of the ones facing south(shaded) have leaves that are turning yellow. In the same bed are lilies with green leaves. Checked for bugs, just not sure if I should worrry about it or not. This is my favorite flower and I want them to feel good. Leeta
Hi, I saw this site as I was searching for help with my lily of the valley plants. They bloomed beautifully last year but this year although the leaves are healthy and green and the plants look perfect they had no flowers at all. What did I do wrong ? I fertilized them but the flower stem never came at all. Is there anything I can do for next year ? I do not have a green thumb at all but I love these plants and want to see them flower again. Sorry Leeta, I wish I knew more to help with your problem ..... Thanks for any responses. Maritime Girl