Is this a lilly of some sort? And is it a garden plant or could it be native in Colombia? I doubt the latter but I´ve found it growing fairly far into the woods. Longest leaf is about 18cm long.
Well that certainly looks like it and it would be native to parts of South America though not necesarily the Western Andes. One reservation is that some of the online descriptions note it being aromatic and mine has no scent.
That certainly looks like a reasonable possiblity and I read it has no scent. I see now that there are supposed to be three species of Caliphruria endemic to Colombia and two in my cordillera. Thanks very much for the lead.
(Ron B noted, thank you). Here´s a better close up of the flower and it looks to me like images of Caliphruria subedentata I´ve come accross. Since it´s growing both a ways into the woods and in a garden area I can´t decide if it´s a native plant here. Again thank you Saltceder for the leads.