I moved into my house about 20 years ago and discovered a beautiful Lilac bush that flowered in abundance for many years. Suddenly about 5 years ago it stopped blooming. We pruned it down really low still nothing. Last year someone at a nursery suggested we purchase a second one even though there are many in the area. Well no flowers again. We are not seasoned gardeners but we love the Lilacs. Any ideas or suggestions. Thanks Roni
Most shrubs have occasional off-years when they don't flower, that's normal. The subsequent non-flowering is due to the pruning; lilacs flower on old wood, and if pruned, take 5-10 years to build up new branches to flowering maturity. So what's needed now is patience, and no more pruning.
Hi Roni, Some good advice from Michael. Sounds like the nursery wanted to make a sale. Did they think that a second lilac would help yours to bloom? Some reasons lilacs fail to bloom would be not enough sun (maybe trees have matured and shaded it), pruning at the wrong time (the form their buds for next year within about two weeks after bloom), too much nitrogen fertilizer (maybe from a lawn) and/or soil too acid (they prefer a more alkaline soil). You should find these sites helpful. Pruning lilac: http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/1993/2-10-1993/lilac.html http://www.gardenersnet.com/lilac/lilac02.htm Growing lilac: http://lilacs.freeservers.com//lilac_tips.html http://spi.8m.com/care.htm http://gardencenter.southernstates.com/lawn_garden_faq/lilactree.shtml Newt