Hi there: looking at online fungi pictures this species in our lawn appears to be a Coprinus plicatilis - would you agree? If it is what are the possible kid safe remedies - other than replacing the lawn (which is only a few months old)? Thanks, Harry.
Your ID seems right to me. The edibility is officially listed as "Inconsequential", meaning there is theoretically just as much harm in eating the grass around the mushroom as eating the mushroom itself. Of course no one would recommend a toddler eat these or any other lawn mushroom while grazing, C. plicatilis is not toxic or poisionous, so you should at least not be overly concerned about it.
Sure, use a fungicide. But then you'll have to keep your pets and kids off the lawn for sure. I'd just wait them out, though. The mycelium from the Coprinus will use up the excess nitrogen you have in your soil and stop fruiting in due time.