We're on the west coast of the Olympic Peninsula. Salty, cold dry artic winds all summer, wet moderate all winter, seldom frost and snow. Transplanted an Alpine Mint ('Prostanthera cuneata') to a very dry front yard. Would love to purchase a number of these (love the smell and look) and form into a hedge. Do they get that big? If they don't, what's like them that does? Details from the knowing? D
Good info from ANBG: Prostanthera cuneata. Looks like propagation is easy, so if you've a bit of time, that might be an inexpensive way on expanding your hedge. Is 1m high enough?
Well, it would be nice to have a small low hedge just to give a more enclosed feel to the front yard. We don't want a monster that would block out the whole road. Can it be trained higher, perhaps? Or is there a plant like it that goes a little higher? I've already found out that AM can grow very well in the chosen spot. I've found alpine mint for about $8.50 a plant on the net. Is this reasonable? D