Does anyone know if light will stop roots from growing well in hydroponic plants? I am growing some mint indoors in wine bottles but am curious if the clear bottle is bad for the roots. Might have to do an experiment.
Growing Hydroponically seems complicated and to a degree it does require the grower to go through an education process for successful growing. This process can be simplified if we recognize and address the seven limiting factors for good growth. They are water, food, light, temperature, humidity, circulation and CO2 control.
ok.... so I put three mint cuttings in two glasses and covered one with a dark plastic bag. My thought: the one in the dark bag will grow more roots because it simulates being underground. The reality: the opposite. day three is today and the one in the light is growing roots like crazy. The explanation: uh you should help with this.
Plants always go for the light, Its the reason we need to turn our cutting round or they would grow spindly and all stalk. Seeds do like the dark till germination then we lift off the dark covers.