LETTUCE: Is it time to kill it and seed now ?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by vicarious1, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Well we have been eating from these delicious Romaine and Butter lettuces. Our 1st Veggie patch in life! I am so proud. But noticed in total it isn't cheaper than buying it in the shop. Putting all expenses together as I bought ready to plant lettuce. Next time it has to be from seeds.
    Now they are getting very tall (Some like 3 feet.) Long and curly to make a headgear ( hence the funny pic) :-). But they are NOT bitter! Only the Rocket (in front) is more bitter. But eating a lot of Chinese Food, we don't mind as we also use it in soups and stir fry. We were looking forward to fat Lettuce stems, that taste wonderful thinly sliced in stir fry.
    Or as one freind told me I should CUT THE STEM and than new leaves would start growing from the bottom again. Sorry my questions may sound stupid but this is my 1st year growing anything, so I don't know how it works all the way through autumn.
    Or do I rip all the Lettuce OUT NOW and put new seeds or do I keep eating these till there is nothing left ?
    I am in Burnaby Vancouver. As we know the summer seems exceptional but will it last? I am afraid if not enough sunshine that they new seeds won't produce anything eatable.
    I have planted on the other side of the house 3 days ago Broccoli Radish Carrots Tuscan Kale and Russian Kale from West Coast Seeds. I get about 4hrs full south sunshine.
    Thank you so much for any advice and thank you for previous replies from various people. I have not answerd each on the SLUG etc as I suppose that's the way it is done. One reads and takes the advice and goes on. otherwise it becomes like e-mail exchanges . Am I right? Don't want to come across impolite

    PS: Some of my Dahlias were literally killed by Aphids even with oily water and soapy water spray etc..

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    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008

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