Unusual Plant - help identify please I would like to have some help in indentifiying this plant. I purchased this plant on sale about 3 years ago and the sign read "Sale Herbs". I remember the word Lemon written but cannot find anything with the word Lemon resembling this plant. This plant is a about 4 feet high with long shoots forming a bush. The plant has slender smelly leaves that leave a dry powdery film on my fingers when I touch it. The plant bloomed for the first time this year. The flowers are stacked along the shoots and are like velvetine orange spidery petals. Please look at the pictures for more detail. I am moving and would like to move this plant - however I do not know anything out it and how the sunlight and soil effect it. It is growning well where I have it but the area is not specific enought to know where to move this plant. Thank you, Eileen
This plant is Leonotis leonurus a member of the Mint Family Lamiaceae. Native to South Africa. It is a semi-evergreen sub shrub. Treated as an annual in cooler northerm climates. Apart from the showy orange blooms the distinctive seedheads make great candidates for dried flower arrangements. Easily propagated from seed saved this season and sown in Spring, or cuttings taken mid summer. Grow in full sun. Mature plants are not easily transplanted.
Great plants! I'm growing a lot of Leonotis leonurus this year. My problem is I don't know when/where to collect the seeds. Do you? I'd LOVE to know because I love these plants. They are HUGE this year. One is OVER ten feet tall at the top spike.