I love citrus trees and would love to grow a lemon tree indoors and take it out in the summer. Where would I find one in Ontario, Canada?
I bought a meyers lemon tree today. Can anyone give me some tips how to take care of it properly? I have it outdoors now it is 14 degrees celcius now. I bought it from a greenhouse that had it indoors.
meyers lemon is a hard one for me. I tested them with a number of soil mixes for containers, The last one I had lived about 2 years. Myself Im about ready to give up on Meyers and move to another lemon type.
You may want to be careful at that temperature. Citrus go dormant at 13C/55F. If the tree is exposed to the sun in such low temperatures, the roots would not be able to pump the moisture required to cool the leaves and the tree will suffer. It would be safer to wait for warmer temperatures. You'll find more information on this subject by searching the forum. You'll also find helpful information on cultivating your tree.
Eurreka outside at 14C still not good, especially because it is a container tree. Junglekeeper advice is excellent. Everything you need to know about citrus culture can be forund by reading through this forum. - Millet
thanks...I brought it inside yesterday. I have it sitting by a sunny window as it's temporary home for now. I will put it outside later this month for 2-3 weeks in a semi sunny spot then introduce it to some summer sun for june, july, august. Slowly bringing it inside.