Hi, I bought a 2 year old Dwarf Lemon Meyer Tree in April 2006. I have had it outdoors since and when i originially bought it, it had 2 lemons on it already that were about 1/2 inch in diameter. It has now been 4 months and those same 2 lemons are now about 1 1/2 inches in diameter, but they are still dark green. How long does it take the lemons to ripen and turn yellow? I have searched everywhere, but can not find this info. I live in NJ, so i have the tree in a container. Right now it is outdoors since it is hot, but in the winter i plan on bringing it indoors due to the hard winters around here. So, this worries me also becuase if it is not ripe by the time i bring the tree indoors, will it still be able to ripen indoors? And if so, by when should i expect to be able to pick my first lemon? I am concerned there is something wrong with the tree becuase it has a few small blemishes on the skin. Please help!