lemon falling while still tiny, Help!!

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by kakayee, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. kakayee

    kakayee Member

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    Hi all, this is the first time I grow an indoor Meyer Dwarf Lemon Tree and the tree is now blossoming and i see little lemons, however the little lemon keeps falling off. I don't understand why. Please someone help. I do water the plant when I feel the soil is kind of dry and I have just fertilized it just 2 weeks ago. The leaves are very green, but the lemon cannot grow big. I wish to rescue my other lemon if possible, because I still see flowers growing. Please give me advise! thank-you very much!!
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    There may not be a problem. Normally only around 2% of the flowers will form fruit that will be carried to maturity.
  3. aesir22

    aesir22 Active Member

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    durham - england
    Yeah, the tree can make thousands of flowers, but if it made thousands of lemons it would break apart from weight, so it drops most of the flowers and fruit. Just make sure that the potting mix is good and you don't overwater and it will be fine. My tahiti lime has 15 tiny little limes growing on it, and I am waiting to see how many it decides to hold on to!
  4. galen

    galen Member

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    Midwest, Missouri
    I got started in the spring of this year with several verities of citrus trees. Jumped in with both feet. I too was concerned with the small fruit falling off the trees I had just bought. I thought to myself that these little trees were harder to maintain than plants I'm use to. I have a slight green thumb. After reading here and in a book I bought, I have found that you should not be concerned about the fruit drop. In a perfect world where the soil, watering, sunlight and temperature were just right, you might get a higher % of fruit to set on the tree. But with a non-perfect environment, moving from outdoors to indoors, and the shock we put these little trees through, it's a wonder they have any fruit at all. One of the best things I have done for me and the citrus trees, was to buy one of those meters that tells you water, light and PH levels. A big help!

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