Identification: Lecanora pacifica & Xanthoria parietina

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by David Tang, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. David Tang

    David Tang Active Member

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    Richmond, BC
    All shot on logs on the Iona beach.
    Difficult to have good focus over greater part of the frame
    because of the less than flat surface of the log on which
    they cover, despite using aperture 1/18.
    Wonder if the IDs are correct or not.

    Attached Files:

  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Hi David - lovely shots, thank you for sharing these!

    Looking at both this post and your next one, as you mention this is the same very fruitful log, it seems you may have populations of both Xanthoria parietina and possibly Xanthoria candelaria (Shrublet Sunburst). The latter has more wee fruticose lobes, and although more often a rock dweller, it does appreciate bird droppings on a log :-).

    Your discs in this photo are very likely Lecanora, and possibly L. pacifica, but I must caution you that there are *many* species in genus Lecanora (and similar), so a genuine ID would, at least for me, take some work. I am working on my crustose lichen ID skills, but I am no expert in this area.

  3. David Tang

    David Tang Active Member

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    Richmond, BC
    Thanks very much for your enlightenment.

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