I have leaves growing out of two nodes on the flowering stem of my Phals. It finished flowering six months ago and all of a sudden, instead of a new spike, it is leaves. What is happening? Has anybody come across this situation? Anna
Happened to me too - a bit more than 1 year ago. Produced 3 kiekies which are still growing nicely. Node produced one Keiki at a time; 1st two had 3 or 4 leaves each (can't remember), and, when their roots where about 3 inches long I cut the spike about 1 inch or less below the keiki, and then I planted it. By the way, my orchids are in expanded clay (hydro-culture). Anyway, I cut the spike back after that to just above the next node and voila! another keiki. I let it grow and followed the same procedure as I did for the 1st keiki. Now for the 3rd! This was grand because not only did it produce beautiful leaves but it also produced a flower (I think I successfully attached a picture). So anyway, that was fun and the new plants are growing nicely. I read recently that it can take around 18 months for the new plants to produce flowers. Good luck with yours.