leaves falling off buddhas hand

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by devon, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. devon

    devon Member

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    ottawa, ontario, canada
    when i got the buddhas hand there were very few leaves but it had alot of flowers.
    what would the best thing be to do now
    and do i have to hand polinate the flowers and what is the best way to do it
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2008
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    The tree may have already been under stress when you got it. Both bloom and leaf loss are signs to indicate such. What you can do now is provide the proper conditions for tree growth and hope for the best. Make sure the growth medium is porous and quick to drain and that an appropriately sized container is used. You'll want to keep watering to a minimum at this point; the tree's requirement will be low as there are few leaves to transpire the moisture. Keep the roots warm and give the tree as much light as possible. More details for proper tree care can be found in numerous posts in this forum. Also check to be sure the problem is not caused by insects.

    I'm not sure if citron flowers need to be hand-pollinated. Many other citrus varieties do not need such help. A soft-bristled artist's paint brush can be used if you choose to do so. Expect most of the flowers to be shed even when dealing with a healthy tree but particularly more so now.

    BTW, where did you get your tree from? Buddha's Hand is not a variety that is readily available in my area.
  3. devon

    devon Member

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    ottawa, ontario, canada
    the problem is not insects so i just take care of it fro now and keep an eye on it, the leaves on it seem to be healthy.

    i got the plant at a nursery close to where i live, they have a lot of citrus but it was the first time i had seem buddhas hand, it had a fuit on it when i first saw it so i had to get it.

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