hi, my Dracaena has suddenly started loosing leaves. also i noticed that there were 2 large, fat roots comming out from bottom of the pot. there seems to be new growth at the top of the plant, so i was wondering if this was was normal. any help would be great. thanks
kojiro - Dracaena's will drop leaves normally, usually the lower ones. If you have roots coming out of the bottom of the pot it probably needs re-poting. If it's been more than year since it was re-poted it probably needs it. I would gently take it out of the current pot check the roots. If they have formed a mat of circled roots at the bottom, cut off the mat and straingten out the remainder. Remove the old soil and report with new soil in a larger pot. Dracaena's are very forgiving and hard to kill. They are also one of many indoor plants that help clean the air in your house. barb
it's been 10 days since i re-potted plant and as you can see by the new pick it is still loosing leaves. lost eight last night!!!!!!!!! soon there will be none left!. its lost leaves from 6 inches of trunk. i did recently move the plant. it was by the side of the window, but now is on a shelf above my lcd tv ( could this be the problem??)
Don't panic yet! Give it more time to get over it's repotting. Were the roots circled at the botom of the pot? Thoughts: Have you ever gently wiped down it's leaves top & bottom? (I use a mild solution of Safer soap - Don't know if available in England) Plants breath from the undersides of their leaves. Dust and stuff will build up on the tops and bottoms and plug up breathing aparatus. Do you ever mist the plant? Is the area over the TV too warm ergo, drying out the soil too quick? Is the stem still solid? Not mushy - good. Even if it still looses more leaves you can still cut the top off and restart it. I have one that was topped. four new starts came out of the top of the cut base plant. Those were cut off also and new starts are coming out of the new tops. I now have a drac that looks like a candleabra. Keep me posted. ;))
hi, barb. yes i have wiped the leaves (though not often i admit) yes i do mist occasionally. i dont think its getting too hot as soil never drys out. when i re-potted there wernt that many roots. but i think 1 or some of the roots were a bit mushy. the stem is still firm.