I've been looking through my Weeds of California and Other Western States reference book, and can't find it. Leaves are individual, slightly fuzzy and sticky, plant has a pleasant (almost minty) smell. That's all the information I have. Looking at the image, it looks like it may have square stems, but I can't be sure. was thinking Narrow-leaved Mountain-mintPycnanthemum tenuifolium, but it's not supposed to be in CA. Can you help?
Re: Leaves are individual, slightly fuzzy and sticky, plant has a pleasant (almost mi Dittrichia graveolens seems a possibility.
Re: Leaves are individual, slightly fuzzy and sticky, plant has a pleasant (almost mi Thanks for your reply. Apparently the scent is that of camphor. maybe some people find this "pleasant"? I'll suggest this to the client and ask for feed back if/when it flowers. Appreciate your time and expertise!