Hi everyone, I need some help identifying a couple of plants. I just purchased them at Home Depot (NOT the best place, I know) and they came with no ID tags. The first is multi-stemmed and bushy, with compound leaves, and the leaflets are small and smooth. Some have 1 or 2 rounded teeth on them. The leaf stems have 2 small ridges along their upper surface and the lower-most branches are woody. I've searched the internet looking for help but with no success. The second is a palm, maybe a Kentia (?) although from pictures it seems like Kentia palms have broader leaves. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The first appears to be Radermachera sinica, China Doll. The second may be Ravenea rivularis, Majesty Palm.
The first one is definitely a Radermachera, China Doll. I have one and I love the delicate foliage they have. Be careful to avoid placing it in a drafty area, they are very susceptible to drafts.