can anyone tell me what kind of fruit tree this might be, its on 5 acres i just bought in the north florida area, thanks dave t
fruit tree identy can anyone tell me what kind of fruit three this might be, its on 5 acres in north florida, thanks dave t
Not real familiar with Florida trees, but if it were here I'd think maybe persimmon? What sort of fruit was on the tree? Are you sure it's a fruit tree?
Probably a stone fruit of some sort, maybe a plum. Suckers behind green stake definitely look like they have the leaves and twigs of a peach tree (Prunus persica), maybe the rest was grafted onto a peach seedling.
no fruit on the tree yet, the land was over grown for 9 years, but someone planted it and s ttaked it out back them, then the house and land was left abanoned, thanks dave
The leaves remind me of a Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) but the fall color is yellow. It is likley a fruit tree