Lawn Care Questions

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Pete Moss, May 8, 2007.

  1. Pete Moss

    Pete Moss Member

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    Pitt Meadows
    Hi All. I'm a total rookie and would like to start off by saying what a great resource this board is. Thanks to all involved.

    I have a few of questions regarding lawncare. I am attacking my moss and have applied an iron based moss killer.
    Once I rake the moss out my understanding is I need to apply lime and then seed. Once the lime goes down do I water it in?
    How long should I wait from putting the lime down to putting the grass seed down? What about fertalizer?
    What is the shelf life of Grass seed? I have a bag in my garage that is about 8 years old. Can I use that or should I get new seed?

    I plan to aerate the lawn this weekend using a power aerator as well.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

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