I have a Large Pencil Cactus that I inherited with my town house. It was around 15 feet tall. I say WAS because it was pruned back by my homeowners association last week(with out my approval) I need to know if it can be saved. it was cut back to around 5 ft tall. My main concern after reading some other post here it that the trunk of the plant that is left has the woody bark that others have described older plants having… so there is no green showing… Is there anything that can be done to save it… Thanks Michael in Houston TX
Cross your fingers and hope for the best. I'm guessing it should be fine. Hold way back on the water until you see it growing again. What happed to the cuttings?
they hauled them all away...i was very upset about it all...then i got a good laugh thinking about them dealing with the sap...my bet s that they had no idea of the skin irritation that can be caused.
I have a question about over prunning. I have a 6 -7 ' pencil cactus that is starting to lean over quite a bit and sometimes when I get home in the afternoon, to my dismay, it's fallen and laying on the ground. I have put a long piece of wood to try to keep it upright and straight but I think it's just too tall and not thick enough in the stalk to hold the weight. I would love to cut in half and replant the top half in another pot and have two... BUT I am scared to do it.. as I love this plant and do not want to loose either part. I have used spagnum moss over a cut with root tone before with a toothpick and plastic tied around it on a stalk with other plants but never on this one. Someone please tell me how to turn this one into two healthy plants. I would be very bummed if I lost the top. I've had this plant for maybe 8 years (mostly inside and it's been outside almost all spring and summer.. thriving) and thought maybe someone in here would know how to do this. Thanks so very much for any help!!! :- )