I'd like to know what this plant is and whether it is an invasive species or is benign and beneficial. 5 photos attached. Thanks!
Or possibly Petasites hybridus? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=p...&sa=X&ei=7bxHVeWWFcLKaNehgfAK&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ
Thanks to you all for your collective insight from which I believe I have identified the variety... Petasites Japonicus. My understanding is this variety was brought to British Columbia (which prior to WW2 had flourishing coastal communities with Canadians of Japanese descent) from Japan. I've posted another photo of the leaf showing a bit better detail. The leaf in that photo is about shin high. [Interested in what happened to the Canadian-Japanese community? http://www.landscapesofinjustice.com ]