So, there I was at my favorite nursery, The Arbor Gate with Radio Flyer wagon in tow ready to add to my collection of yellow and white roses..... I wasnt going to make any impulse buys, it's not like this was Bloomingdales right? After my very helpful salesman assisted me in selecting a beautiful Iceberg she said there was one more I HAD to see before I left. We turned the corner and there she was, Lady Banks over flowing with cluster after cluster of the smallest perfectly formed yellow roses I'd ever seen and laden with buds promising more. I wanted her right away even though she had no scent. Finally off I went with my Iceberg, Lady Banks and two Boston Ferns and two Begonia hanging baskets I some how picked up between the rose section and the cash register... I got home last night and did a search on Lady Banks, and the first things that popped up were "Worlds Largest Rose" in Tombstone, AZ, "crushed my fence", "took over the oak tree", "grew 20ft in both directions in 2yrs". I own her now, cannot add her to my landscape yet, not for atleast a couple years. Will is be possible to manage her in pots until then? BTW - I'm about 30mi North of Houston Texas and she will do well here. The Arbor Gate only sells Texas natives or plans that thrive in our Coastal climates.
Produced commercially in containers. Given same care as other plants need to keep going in pots will do fine.