Is lace bug a common problem for Pieris in our area (Vancouver, sunshine coast)? Anyone found good ways to deal with it (organic, systemic and/or low toxicity solutions preferred). There are a lot of pieris and it would be difficult to spray as they are massed and large. Is it fatal if left untreated? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you Paul. The link was very helpful. I also found some information on (supposedly) resistant varieties of Pieris (incl. 'floribunda' or mountain Pieris) which might be worth trying. The article suggested that the damage was mostly cosmetic but these poor characters look like they are about to croak. Perhaps it is a case of degree (how heavy the infestation). Also, the siting is a problem -- too dry and too hot - that probably weakened them. Other pieris, including the varigated ones, located in more amenable conditions seem healthy. Thanks for your help.
no worries. the link seemed to show some info along the lines of your request. you could consider a soap or pyrethrin poduct as well for population reduction at infestation time.
Thanks for this post. I also have suffered with this pest on my Pieris. I would not say that the damage is only cosmetic though, the damage to the leaves especially if wide spread on the plant can only cause stress to the bushes. Thanks for the tip on using a soap product. I'll need to find something when my supply of isotox is used up.