In Vancouver, I planted male and female kiwis ( Hayward) and five years later had a very productive arbour...over 1000 kiwis some seasons after 1996. On the Gulf Island where I now live, my 5 year old male ( same variety) flowered in 2007, and I hand pollinated the ONE female blossom, and had one kiwi. In both 2008, and 2009 there have been NO blossoms on the female, and the male has flowered profusely. Any suggestions as to what might be missing in the soil, or if wind of the ocean might account for this... the female is slightly closer to the water. I wondered if I should dig up the female - and plant it at the same level as the male. Or would this set it back 5 years , if even possible? Perhaps I should just purchase a new female? Thank you for any suggestions or help.