Kitsilano Beach Restoration!

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Breanne Card, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Breanne Card

    Breanne Card Member

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    Waterloo, Ontario
    I am working on an Ecological Restoration project for one of my
    courses at the University of Waterloo. We were asked to pick a favorite place that has been altered by human development, and to write a paper on how we would restore that disturbed area.

    I chosen to naturalize the manicured lawn between the the pool and the tennis courts
    on kits beach.
    I was recently lived in Vancouver for an 8 month co-op work term and was there again last week on my reading break.
    I was able to spend some time at the Vancouver archives to learn that kits beach used to be a great riparian zone, and that it was described as "muskeg" and "swampy" in 1906.

    I am wondering if there would be any further information regarding the types of native grasses, flowers, or sedges that would have been common in that area before it was seeded with grass? I found a few pictures dating back to 1907, but I can only ID the trees. The sedges and grasses
    are too difficult to ID from the old pictures.

    Thanks for your time,
  2. tlpenner

    tlpenner Active Member

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    You might find an historical soil type map (through the map library at your university), then look at Indicator Plants of Coastal BC(Klinka, Krajina, et al 1989) to match up the most common species found in that type of site.

    Also, check out Evergreen's web-site to see if they have anything on the restoration project they did just west of there at Jericho Beach a few years back. Vancouver Parks Board may have some info on this one, as well.

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